Master Raccoon Snaring by Newt Sterling

Master Raccoon Snaring by Newt Sterling
Item# newtcoonsnaredvd
Availability: Usually ships the same business day

Product Description

Welcome to the world of coon snaring! Many trappers wonder why snare these fur bearers with the body grip and foot traps available to us trappers to use?

The answer is at certain locations the snare will out perform any other method of capture, that we as trapper/snareman have available to us. This is true when trapping/snaring any animal. I think of the snare, body grip and foot trap as tools of the trade. To do my job in the most effective way. I must know how to use the best tools available. First you will learn how to build snares. Next you will follow me into the field and learn how to use them and you will quickly see where the snare will pay big dividends at the end of the day.